Posts Tagged ‘ alain sylvain ’

this is really it

This is really it – the mini-era where you’re body is still finishing up school while all your thoughts revolve around transitioning out.

I shall dub this the Dorothy Complex:  life feels like I’ve been sucked into some kinda Vortex storm – everything’s moving and I have no clue where I’m gonna end up when the house decides to drop. But it’s the fast-moving rides I like best.

So many amazing things going around school  it’s hard to keep track of – that’s a great problem to have. (In addition to graduation – there’s  an upcoming Zombie Flash Mob, our Brandcenter Prom is in a week, and we earned tickets to see Ben Harper in Charlottesville as a thank you for the campaigns we built for Greenlight Media.) Life is fast but man it’s good.

I’m trying to pay extra attention to absorbing it all- the moving parts are moving faster than a 15 year old with a newly minted learner’s permit. Yup – also feeling a sentimental streak coming on; there’s so many people to miss once we walk out of here in May.

I have what feels like 10 posts as drafts in my head which I need to crank out, starting with:

P.1 Noah Brier of the Barbarian Group ran an awesome class on Innovation

p.2 Alain Sylvain of Sylvain Labs LLC also discussed Innovation & his theory of  ‘Optimus Time’

P.3 Last week our Board of Directors came to the BC and lots of inspiration tumbled out of the Breakout sessions we had with them.

P.4 Was invited by the good folks at  I Have An to do an agency profile on Publicis New York and Big Spaceship. Both companies have a surge of awesome coming down the pipe.

If Richmond’s pollen bombs don’t get to me first – I promise I’ll get those articles live asap.

sending you happiness,
